Civil Society Grant Facility

Posted On: October 31st, 2019

Title of the project    Civic engagement in the Local Government

Location of the project     Gelephu thromde covering 6 Demkhungs (Rubdelling, Tashilling, Namkhalling, Sonamgatshel, Samdruplling and Jampelling)

Name of the applicants    Committee of Concerned Citizens (CCC) and Committee of Community Members (CCM)

Duration of the project    12 months

Total Cost of the project (in Nu/EURO)    Nu. 1,525,000.00

Objectives of the project     The objective of the project is to capacitate the CCC and CCM to engage more productively in local development interventions, there by leading to more beneficial interventions, better service delivery, stronger partnership and collaboration between the LG leaders and the community and a more vibrant democracy.

Target groups/ final beneficiaries     Communities, government agencies, organizations etc. the member of CCC and CCM, the local government, BTI, self-help groups in Gelephu thromde and the community of the six Demkhungs of the Thromde.

Estimated results

  • The capacity of the CCC and CCM members is enhanced through the provision of relevant SA tools and mechanisms.
  • The CCC and CCM are able to create adequate awareness to their community members on the principles of sound local governance and the roles and responsibilities of the communities.
  • The CCC and CCM are able to institute and conduct one social audit on a particular intervention that the community is highly concerned and generate a report
  • The community members are introduced to common SA tools (CSC, input tracking, Social mapping, etc…) to monitor relevant developmental interventions as reflected in 12th FYP in order to enhance community participation for better service delivery.
  • Delivery of one basic service is improved in the local community through the implementation of the project.

Main activities

  • One week training on social audit for the CCC and CCM members and relevant thromde officials
  • Practical training on community mobilization (5 days)
  • Conduct stakeholder workshop (community members of the six Demkhungs and self-help groups) on principles of local governance and how social accountability enhances it.
  • Conduct two-day workshop to familiarize the community members on LG Act, 12th FYP interventions and citizen responsibilities
  • One day meeting between the thromde administration and CCC and CCM to identify the area for social audit
  • Conduct social audit in each Demkhung lead by the CCC and CCM member of that each Demkhungs
  • The members of CCC and CCM with support from BTI will present the findings of the social audit to the Thromde administration representative of the community.
  • Conduct sensitization on civic engagement and SA tools for the community members and self-help groups
  • Conduct a quick participatory appraisal of the quality of the services and generate a report.