Posted On: November 7th, 2022
Name of CSO |
Bhutan Kidney Foundation, Bhutan Cancer Society |
Amount |
794,820 |
Duration |
12 Months |
Dzongkhag |
Mongar, Sarpang, Thimphu |
Objectives of the project
- To increase dissemination of referral issues among the key stakeholders and policymakers to mitigate major challenges by proposing appropriate and reasonable revision and an amendment to the Patient Referral Guideline 2014.
- To promote and create awareness of the amended Patient Referral Guideline.
Target groups/ final beneficiaries
- People with comorbidities and the general public.
Estimated results
- Referred Bhutanese citizens received adequate support while undergoing treatment abroad.
- Result 2: Improved quality of care for referral patients from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.
- Government-CSO collaboration enhanced.
Main activities
- Conduct consultation amongst the vulnerable population of three Dzongkhags and various stakeholders on the existing Patient Referral Guideline 2014.
- Prepare an inclusive proposal consisting of the existing section, and project recommendation with Justification for the amendment of the Referral Guideline 2014 to the Ministry of Health.
- Presentation of proposed amendments of the Patient Referral Guideline to the Cabinet by the Ministry of Health and applicants (If required).
- Launch the amended Patient Referral Guideline by the applicants.
- Dissemination of the amended referral guidance to the beneficiaries.
- Document the policy advocacy experience of CSOs.
- To seek supplementary support from relevant CSOs for patient referral.