Posted On: September 28th, 2018
Title of the Project: Community-based mechanised micro wool processing centre for economic empowerment of Brokpa women and youth of Merak
Location of the project: Trashigang Dzongkhag, Merak Gewog, Gengue Village
Name of the applicant: Bhuchung Kaywa Zangpo Aumtshu Dheytshen
Duration of the project: 24 months
Total Cost of the project (in Nu/): Nu 2,810,000.00
Objectives of the project: What does the project try to change or improve?
The primary objective of the project is to enhance the financial independence and reduce workload of Brokpa women of Gengu village, through income generation from producing and marketing yak/sheep wool textiles, arts and crafts.
Estimated results: These results are inserted in the activity plan (part 3)
Expected result 1: Community–based mechanized micro wool processing center established and operationalized
Expected result 2: Capacity and skills of herder women/youth in wool processing, dyeing and weaving methods/techniques and skills enhanced
Expected result 3: Knowledge management and information dissemination on project outcomes and lessons learned promoted
Main activities