Posted On: October 8th, 2018
Title of the Project: Broom grass propagation and product diversification by Batasey NWFP group
Location of the project: Tsirang Dzongkhag. Kilkhorthang Gewog, Batasey Village
Name of the applicant: Batasey NWFP Group
Duration of the project: 12 months
Total Cost of the project (in Nu/): Nu 980,000.00
Objectives of the project:
- To enhance Socio -economic empowerment in society especially womens group;
- To create or generate empolyment for youth in self help group and reduce rural-urban migration;
- Up scaling of broom management and marketing for the benefit of its members;
- To develop capacity of memebers through attending various workshops and trainnings in country as well as in outside countries.
Target groups/ final beneficiaries: 15 members
Estimated results
- Acres of land identified and demarcated for broom grass plantation by women groups;
- broom grass nursery developed for raising broom grass;
- Generate employment oppertunities for the youths in the group;
- Five acres land taken up for broom grass plantation and management by the group;
- 15 farmers/women groups under go training and awarenes program;
- Numbers of farmers/ extension agents undergo exposure visit/ study tour to neighbouring areas;
- Numbers of office equipment and assocessories procured for the project
Main activities:
- Awareness meeting and recruitment of new members if they are willing to join the group
- Identifying of suitable additional areas for the creation of Nursary and for plantation of additional seedlings
- Nursary establishement for the seedling propagation
- Harvesting and drying of broom grass
- Binding and Marketing of brooms