Posted On: May 17th, 2019
Title of the Project Nationwide Drug Prevention Awareness and Intervention Programme
Location of the project Trashiyangtse, Lhuntse, Tsirang, Dagana, Samtse, Chukha, Mongar, Zhemgang, Paro
Name of the applicant Chithuen Phenday Association Bhutan
Duration of the project 12 months
Total Cost of the project (in Nu/ EUR) Nu 2,288,500.00
Objectives of the project
- To conduct nationwide drug awareness and prevention program amongst the youth, parents and society
- To facilitate youth training to develop sustainable peer-based intervention program and network system
- Facilitate communities’ coordination to develop sustainable community prevention initiatives to reduce alcohol drinking cultures
- To increase awareness and education of community and engage communities in prevention activities and actions to reduce use of drug& alcohol among youth
- Educate parent and caregivers on positive parenting to prevent adverse childhood experiences and other child abuses
- Lobby and advocate among parent and caregivers in various workplaces and enable them for their action and involvement in reducing the risk factors among young children and youth
Target groups/ final beneficiaries
- 18000 youth and adolescents in schools and colleges
- 2000 teachers
- 4 community groups
- 2000 parents and caregivers
Estimated results
- 18000 youth and adolescents in schools& colleges educated and made aware on the ill effects of drug and alcohol use
- 20% youth participants in peer-based training program
- 2000 teachers in targeted Dzongkhags educated on basic drug and alcohol prevention education and positive parenting
- 4 community groups formed to reduce alcohol drinking cultures
- 2000 parents and caregivers educated
- Afterschool parental care and monitoring group established
Main activities
- Youth based drug prevention awareness programme
- Community based programme
- Workplace based drug and alcohol awareness and intervention programme