Posted On: May 17th, 2019
Title of the Project Panbang Magdrep Gonor Tshongdrel Cooperative
Location of the project Panbang, Zhemgang
Name of the applicant Panbang Magdrep Gonor Tshongdrel Cooperative
Duration of the project 12 Months
Total Cost of the project (in Nu/ EUR) Nu 1,555,880.00
Objectives of the project
- Increase income of marginal farmers to improve livelihood
- Strengthen cooperatives
- Generate income
- Inculcate saving habit
- Reduce local cattle populations
Target groups/ final beneficiaries 12 members and communities in the village
Estimated results
- Members capacity developed
- Transport arranged
- Collective marketing system
- Secure feed and fodder
- Upgrade existing MPU
Main activities
- Training on good animal husbandry
- Training on product processing, packaging, record keeping
- Study tour
- Supply of additional cool chain equipment
- Supply of equipment for processing
- Construction of improved dairy sheds
- Supply of fodder seeds and seedlings & fencing materials
- Cost of transportation Jersey cows
- Cost of High yielding jersey cows