Posted On: September 26th, 2018
The Bhuchu Kewa Zangpo Amtshu Deythen (BKZAD) of Merak, a highland herder community group wants to conserve the indigenous sheep in their community and incorporate improved wool processing for income generation and livelihood. This group, consisting of 84 members, intends to mechanize wool processing in their community to keep alive their unique dress culture of semi-nomadic yak herders of Merak and Sakteng. The members will learn improved method of dyeing and weaving. This initiative will reduce the drudgery on the women by enabling efficient use of their time and resource.
The group has managed to lease government land for the construction of a shed, where the machines will be housed. The community based wool processing unit will be constructed, managed and operated by the group and will also serve as a common facility center for the group to gather and discuss on their activities.
The project, although for 24 months, has taken longer than anticipated to initiate their first activities. The remoteness of the village (far north east), inability to connect with relevant Dzongkhag officials for initial land lease and construction procedures, nomadic nature of the community members posed some challenges in getting the project off the ground.