Posted On: May 17th, 2019
Title of the Project Skills Development of NFE Learners
Location of the project Thimphu
Name of the applicant Zheten Shey Yen Aum Tsu Tshogpa (NFE Group Serbithang)
Duration of the project 12 months
Total Cost of the project (in Nu/ EUR) Nu 436,000.00
Objectives of the project
- Empower women with access to credit, through creation of their group funds
- Skills development, homebased earning to supplement their household income
- Change members economic capacity
Target groups/ final beneficiaries 13 women & their families
Estimated results
- Functioning network of home based workers established
- Access to credit by members from their group saving scheme
- Members become skilled home based workers
Main activities
- Group formation/ development of bylaws
- Establish record keeping system
- Building seed money through savings
- Basic equipment for skill development